Hello, thanks for your answers and input. Am 14.03.2015 um 21:06 schrieb Troy Engel:
On Sat, Mar 14, 2015 at 10:09 AM, Uwe Koloska <kolewu@koloro.de> wrote:
I want to create a package for an app that needs either pyaudio or (as an alternative) pygame. How can I write this in the PKGBUILD?
Mauro's reply is the technically correct one - however, I'm questioning your logic. The two packages are not alternates of the same thing; pyaudio is simply the audio bindings, whereas pygame is for writing games. Your app needing "one or the other" is a logic split - either you need the audio bindings, or you need the gaming code -- they don't even provide the same shared binary modules or play on the same field.
No logic split in here ;-) The app (BTW it's EdWare http://meetedison.com/robot-programming-software/) needs audio and if I understand it correctly, was developed with pyaudio (a python binding to portaudio) and then enhanced with an alternative binding to the audio part of pygame. And since I'm not the maintainer of pyaudio nor pygame, I can't add the provides information. So I really want some way to express the logic: "This app needs audio bindings but they can be provided equally well by two different packages that are besides from the audio part very different and so don't share matching provides statements." Looks like I can't express this in a PKGBUILD. Thank you Uwe