20 Oct
20 Oct
5:16 p.m.
On 13:49 Wed 20 Oct , Allan McRae wrote:
On 20/10/10 23:47, Heiko Baums wrote:
So I'd like to see LibreOffice in [extra] besides OpenOffice. I think LibreOffice is or will soon be too important to just have it in AUR or [community].
Wow... that was fast:
pacman -Si libreoffice Repository : extra Name : libreoffice Version :
The version in extra is the libreoffice alpha. That version isn't compatible to the libreoffice language packs. In the AUR is libreoffice-bin, it's the libreoffice beta and compatible to the also provided language packs of libre office. It would of cause be nice, to see the beta + the language packs in the AUR. Best regards, Karl