So, I like the Vuescan app and I respect the developer for having made it. Really glad I paid for it. BUT it has to be said that installing/updating this aur package is a disaster. Basically: the download urls and/or the checksums keep changing to the point where 90% of the time when you try to update/install it, the pkgbuild is already out of date. I emailed the developer asking if he could adopt a better download url system. He replied: "No, I want people to only download VueScan from and I’m trying to figure out ways of disabling downloading from other sites." I explained to him that downloading from a repo or via a pkgbuild is such a convenient method and one of the key selling points of using Linux tbh. But haven't received an answer back (it has only been 3 days. But still). I really hope this 'issue' can somehow be resolved so people can properly install this great app without the constant cat-mouse game of trying to update the checksum fast enough. Cheers, Thibault