Hi Torsten, good luck for your application :) My first question would be how you keep track of upstream locations and which one has new releases available? It looks like the whole stack has version 5.3.1 released. DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=None has already been mentioned, also also explained equally as I would have -- hence I will leave that one out of all reviews (while agreeing with Filipe). Now, a "little bit" of feedback after reviewing your current AUR packages. Please don't feel overwhelmed. I've reviewed now for nearly 3 hours and will send the current results over :) comgr - looks like upstream provides some tests, it would be useful to always try running tests whenever available: https://github.com/RadeonOpenCompute/ROCm-CompilerSupport/tree/amd-stg-open/... hip-runtime-amd - I'm not sure how that stacked package really works and which one its real tests are, but there seem to be some available in: https://github.com/ROCm-Developer-Tools/HIP/tree/develop/tests hip-runtime-nvidia - same question about testsas hip-runtime-amd - the nvcc.patch:: prefix for the pull request patch is not good as its not really a unique name. The reason: whenever sources are placed into the same dir, like when setting SRCDEST in makepkg this leads to issues if any other package may ever specify nvcc.patch. f.e. hip-runtime-fix-logic-for-finding-nvcc.patch:: Depending on the filename, it sometimes makes sense to also include the $pkgver into the prefix name - the pull request #2623 which this patch depends on has been rejected upstream and it looks like superseded by #2849. Worth checking out a way that upstream is not against. hipblas - Again wondering a bit about tests, as this time we even seem to disable them on purpose: DBUILD_CLIENTS_TESTS=OFF hipcub - reference-previous-mention: tests - The git dependency made me wonder, and actually the cmake ecosystem seems to clone rocPRIM.git and doesn't seem to pin it to a specific hash which means this package isn't reproducible when the repo changes. Instead we need to specify all downloaded repo in the sources array with a fixed hash and link the $srcdir repos into the proper place with a small patch to the cmake build env to avoid fresh clones. this also applies to googletest and googlebenchmark. On top it seems to download cub/thrust as well: https://github.com/ROCmSoftwarePlatform/hipCUB/blob/develop/cmake/Dependenci... Some infos about reproducible builds: https://reproducible-builds.org/ hipfft - reference-previous-mention: tests - has similar none reproducible download issues as hipcub which need to be pinned and passed in sources() It seems to download rocm-cmake from master https://github.com/ROCmSoftwarePlatform/hipFFT/blob/develop/cmake/dependenci... This package should instead depend on rocm-cmake hipfort - reference-previous-mention: tests hipify-clang - reference-previous-mention: tests hipsolver - reference-previous-mention: reproducible seems to download rocm-cmake and should instead depend on it https://github.com/ROCmSoftwarePlatform/hipSOLVER/blob/develop/CMakeLists.tx... hipsparse - reference-previous-mention: tests - reference-previous-mention: reproducible / rocm-cmake hsa-amd-aqlprofile-bin - doesn't seem to distribute the proprietary license. hsa-rocr - CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS='-DNDEBUG' seems to discard our distro CXXFLAGS hsakmt-roct - reference-previous-mention: tests - wondering if it wouldn't be better to use BUILD_SHARED_LIBS instead of statically linking? mathtime-professional - don't quite understand this package with sources to local://mtp2fonts.zip.tpm Does this package make sense for the general public? migraphx - reference-previous-mention: tests - patch in PR #1435 has been merged and should be replaced by the upstream url: https://github.com/ROCmSoftwarePlatform/AMDMIGraphX/pull/1435 https://github.com/ROCmSoftwarePlatform/AMDMIGraphX/commit/ba0913b1e9c86e944... - some none unique source file prefix, reference explained in hip-runtime-nvidia - reference-previous-mention: reproducible https://github.com/ROCmSoftwarePlatform/AMDMIGraphX/blob/develop/install_dep... miopen-hip - reference-previous-mention: tests - reference-previous-mention: none-deterministic https://github.com/ROCmSoftwarePlatform/MIOpen/blob/develop/fin/install_deps... miopen-opencl - same as miopen-hip miopengemm - reference-previous-mention: tests mivisionx - reference-previous-mention: tests pcg-c-git - missing conflicts=("$_pkgname") for correctness, even if it doesn't currently exist python-meshio - reference-previous-mention: tests rccl - reference-previous-mention: tests BUILD_TESTS=OFF - reference-previous-mention: reproducible / rocm-cmake https://github.com/ROCmSoftwarePlatform/rccl/blob/develop/cmake/Dependencies... cheers, Levente