On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 10:02 PM, oliver <oliver@first.in-berlin.de> wrote: <snip>
Why I was looking for poularity? Because I thought, it *might* be an indicator (even a weak one) about some kind of quality. Some libraries or tools might not be used anymore, because there are newer or faster or better libs for example.
<snip> Welcome on the planet where linux is being used because it comes with apache, php and mysql. Quality is an elastic word, it's not necessary to stress it further with some shady means of heuristically aur packages' popularity. why is everyone thinking they are rockstars because they have packages on aur? it's work you do because it's fun to you, and so is all work. Please, let's remove the voting function from the aur alltogether (have I ever voted?) and let's not run any further into the "package wars". there are perfectly fine reasons why two packages that basically do the same thing might not be equally popular. One might be built for an edge case the other just barely doesn't cover. that's how nature works in a nondestructive environment, and that's why the aur is awesome as the useful zoo it is. cheers! mar77i