We have caught the attention of the notorious Anthraxx :P
Taking the currently described state into account I would like to kindly request that you stop and disable the automatic pushing. Bumping packages without any testing and check() is not a good thing, even when you try to revert afterwards.
So that I don't imply the wrong thing from this, you are stating here that you should not have a bot/automatically push commits to the AUR?
You can investigate how to setup a custom pacman repository for your AUR packages and make it accessible to your builders (f.e. via https). pacman provides low level tools for creating a database out of packages (repo-add, repo-remove) Then you can provide a custom pacman.conf to makechrootpkg containing the repository. You'd initially need to populate the repository starting from the leaf packages.
I can help out with this if you like Jingbei Li, I have messed around with custom repositories and also dealing with AUR dependencies before, if you want to automate this I might be able to help out coding a custom tool with you? It seems you use Python, which I am confident in, so let me know if you want any help from me :) (feel free to offlist) (also as a sidenote, I remember the lack of documentation of custom repositories being brought up within ArchWiki, I should look back into this)
If you have further questions I'm sure the community is open to help you out.
See above :) Have a good day, -- Polarian GPG signature: 0770E5312238C760 Website: https://polarian.dev JID/XMPP: polarian@polarian.dev