On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 1:00 PM, Xavier <shiningxc@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 2:34 PM, Daenyth Blank <daenyth+arch@gmail.com<daenyth%2Barch@gmail.com>> wrote:
Judging by the level of maturity and calmness shown in this thread, I think he really has improved since last time. For what it's worth, I voted to abstain, as I hadn't had much interaction with him either way. Perhaps next time around I'll change that. I can definitely see progress here.
This is not really my business as I am not a TU, and haven't been involved with Laszlo on any packaging problems or AUR2 development.. but as I might be the biggest Laszlo's hater, I might have a word to say. Also it could look weird that someone gets rejected twice and no one has anything really bad to say, so hopefully I am going to fix that :)
However, I have to admit I have big troubles staying calm and mature every time I was involved with him. But that's the whole problem.
I could write a book about all the times Laszlo pissed me off. Probably 99% of that was about pacman development. But Loui's experience with him (probably for AUR) was apparently not much better, at least back then : http://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2009-July/006081.html
By the way, this is not really a bad first impression. Laszlo has been active on pacman bug tracker or mailing list between June and November. It started quite bad, it became worse and worse, it was still very bad at the end.
It would really take me a lot of times to gather all the WTFs, so what about the last one in date ? I recently got this link : http://www.mail-archive.com/frugalware-devel@frugalware.org/msg05895.html And here is my sumup (^W interpretation) : - he submits a bunch of minor/trivial pacman patches to frugalware in October and November - he spams/offends Miklos about getting push access to the repository (just for the record and comparison : in Archlinux world, there are several competent long-time contributors, and only Dan has push access to the master git repo) - he adds himself on top of the second list of authors, for his excellent contributions : http://www.mail-archive.com/frugalware-devel@frugalware.org/msg05892.html - he wants his name to appear on every manpage, even the ones he has nothing to do : http://www.mail-archive.com/frugalware-devel@frugalware.org/msg05902.html - after that, he disappears
Note that I count this as one story. I have 20 others to tell about what happened in the archlinux/pacman world. But the bug tracker has the whole history, and the mailing list archives are all publicly available, so no reason I should waste my time more. This might be my main problem with him : he's a big time waster. He is also "extremely annoying" and " doesn't understand boundaries when it comes to communication" , as Loui very correctly observed back then.
It is still possible that he has only good intentions, and all these problems are only caused by a language/cultural gap , or a maturity problem. Who knows.
A simple search for vim in the aur and look at the PKGBUILD files of the orphaned pkgs says a lot. Sorry to jump in. enderst