On Wed, 2018-11-07 at 08:38 -0500, Eli Schwartz via aur-general wrote:
As per the PKGBUILD(5) man page, use:
where FOO is either: - tag - branch - commit
and BAR is the corresponding revision you wish to check out (in this case the branch name is "gtk3")
So, #FOO=BAR would be #branch=gtk3
Thank you, unfortunately it doesn't work. [rocketmouse@archlinux claws-mail-gtk3-git]$ ls PKGBUILD [rocketmouse@archlinux claws-mail-gtk3-git]$ makepkg -s ==> Making package: claws-mail-gtk3-git 3.17.0-1 (Wed 07 Nov 2018 03:27:22 PM CET) [snip] ==> Starting prepare()... ==> Starting pkgver()... ==> Updated version: claws-mail-gtk3-git 3.16.0.r463.g04185a6e4-1 ==> Starting build()... ^C [rocketmouse@archlinux tmp]$ git clone git://git.claws-mail.org/claws.git [snip] [rocketmouse@archlinux tmp]$ cd claws/ [rocketmouse@archlinux claws]$ git fetch origin [rocketmouse@archlinux claws]$ git branch --track gtk3 origin/gtk3 Branch 'gtk3' set up to track remote branch 'gtk3' from 'origin'. [rocketmouse@archlinux claws]$ ./autogen.sh [snip] claws-mail 3.17.0git153 [snip] Regards, Ralf