Il 12/12/22 19:03, Wyatt C Jackson ha scritto:
I recently put together a PKGBUILD file for a tool I made and want to put on the AUR. While I believe it should be fine, I would like to have it reviewed before I upload it.
--- ``` # Maintainer: Minecraftchest1 <minecraftchest1 at outlook dot com> pkgname=file-sharing-tool pkgver=0.2.0 pkgrel=1 epoch= pkgdesc="A tool to help setup file sharing using ssh." arch=('any') url="" license=('GPL3') groups=() depends=('openssh' 'zenity' 'sed' 'bash') makedepends=('coreutils') checkdepends=() optdepends=() provides=() conflicts=() replaces=() backup=() options=() install= changelog= source=("git+$pkgver") noextract=() md5sums=() validpgpkeys=('B136A3601568A8CE2493') sha256sums=('SKIP')
package() { cd steamdeck-file-share-tool install -D -v bin/ -t $pkgdir/usr/bin } ```
Hello, missing git as makedepends makedepends on coreutils not needed there is validpgpkeys but is not checked in source=() there isn't a license or a license indication in your source repo please remove unused fields please install the script as file-sharing-tool (without .sh)