On 2013-07-27 18:31 +0200 Sven-Hendrik Haase wrote:
Discussion period has ended. Start the voting: https://aur.archlinux.org/tu/?id=69 Le voting period has ended. Dicebot-san is now officially Dicebot-sama! Let's perform our ritual new-TU-group-hug. Congratulations!
I'm sorry to have to point this out, but the proposal has not been accepted according to our bylaws. I was going to post the final tally on the list as per custom: yes: 18 no: 4 abstain: 2 total: 24 I thought that was a low number of votes given the recent influx of TUs, so I checked the total number of TUs listed on the official page (https://www.archlinux.org/trustedusers/). There are currently 37 active TUs. According to our bylaws (https://aur.archlinux.org/trusted-user/TUbylaws.html):
Quorum shall be 66% of all active TUs and participation shall be measured by the sum of YES, NO and ABSTAIN votes, UNLESS otherwise stated in a section of the bylaws pertaining to the proposal. The proposal is accepted if EITHER
the number of YES votes is greater than half the number of active TUs OR
quorum has been established and the number of YES votes is greater than the number of NO votes
18/37 < 0.5, so the first condition has not met (19 yes votes needed) 24/37 < 0.66, so the second condition has not been met (25 total votes needed for quorum) I voted yes, so I do want this to pass, but if we just ignore the bylaws whenever it's convenient then there's not much point to having bylaws. We could hold a vote to make an exception in this instance, but I'm not sure that's the best way either. It would set a precedent for overriding the bylaws through simple majority. Regards, Xyne