Le 11/05/2011 23:30, Joel Heaton a écrit :
Hello fellow AUR maintainers, I've come to ask for some of your wisdom on a particular subject because, quite frankly, I'm completely unsure of how to move forward. I'm attempting to put together a PKGBUILD for a library (tsdl) but running in to trouble with the installation part. I can run make no problem, everything proceeds as expected, however I receive a permission error when running make install. The output is shown below at the point which it fails.
Obviously this is going to fail unless makepkg -s is run as root, which is highlighted as not being a good idea, so I'm basically looking at how I could get around this, if at all. I'll admit that I'm still getting to grips with this, having only put together two PKGBUILDs from scratch before now, so I would appreciate any pointers that could guide me in the right direction. Below are links to the PKGBUILD I'm working on, as well as the Makefile for the library I want to build respectively. I can see that there are a bunch of operations going on in there which will result in more permission denied errors, but if I'm thinking along the right lines, then these could be installed using install -D -mXXX but again, I'm quite inexperienced so I don't know if that is entirely true.
http://pastebin.com/xzVRt79d http://pastebin.com/sTN1j80f
Please also feel free to criticise the PKGBUILD in general; I've been following what I've seen by other maintainers so far and trying to stick to the guidelines laid out in the Wiki pages, so hopefully it's all fine but if I have missed anything or done something stupid, I'd like to know.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Kind regards,
It looks like the Makefile wasn't intended for packaging. But it's still possible to do things properly without changing it: package() { cd "$srcdir/$pkgname" mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/lib" make PREFIX="$pkgdir/usr" BIN_DIR="$srcdir" install } Yet this is quite tricky, so I recommend to the author some changes to his Makefile. -- Calimero