On 16/01/11 17:35, Peter Simons wrote:
Hi Sven-Hendrik,
Some maintainers seem to see that differently. They want a comment _and_ the out-of-date button to be pressed, if the package is broken. Do not know why. To me this is annoying.
That way, they show up in your overview which is handy if you get rid of the comment mails for some reason.
yes, exactly. Just consider the 'arch-haskell' user, which owns some 2,000 packages. The "My packages" list for that user is spread out over 80 separate pages! It's impossible for me to log into AUR and locate those packages that need maintenance by checking the comment sections of 2,000 packages.
Packages that are marked out-of-date, on the other hand, have an index of their own, so those are way easier to find.
This email airs a bit of the "dirty laundry" of the ArchHaskell project. I hope you don't mind. AUR has a few shortcomings. Not having any link to an issue tracker, but instead dealing with everything through comments, is arguably one of them. Scaling, in the sense of a single user with *MANY* packages, is another. But Peter you have yourself, just a few days ago, removed all but ~80 packages out of the ArchHaskell ABS tree, and declared those removed packages as *unsupported*. That means you've effectively removed the issue of scaling for ArchHaskell yourself. At least for the moment. Dealing with errors in the remaining ~80 packages will be quite possible by just creating an issue in our github issue tracker on those rare occasions (they are rare by definition since we provide a repo of pre-built packages). Given this I think this particular discussion is completely pointless at this point in time. When we start adding many more packages, and we don't ourselves build those packages, then this is problem is likely to re-appear. However, the ArchHaskell project would first need make yet another 180-degree turn on its goals. /M -- Magnus Therning OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4 email: magnus@therning.org jabber: magnus@therning.org twitter: magthe http://therning.org/magnus