On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 09:40:48PM -0800, Federico Cinelli wrote:
"cinelli” is what I go by in #archlinux, the Arch Linux forums, the AUR, and the bug tracker. My full name is Federico Cinelli. My sponser is Daniel Wallace (gtmanfred)
I have been an active member of the Arch Linux community for slightly under a year and have been helping the community for the majority of that time. I’m a Computer Science major and also an Automotive Science major. So the willingness to understand and see how things operate, has always been a passion of mine.
I have been using Linux since 1999 and I have cycled through Red Hat, Debian, Crunchbang, FreeBSD, Mint, Ubuntu, and Fedora, until finally finding a place to call home, Arch Linux. My reason for moving through so many distributions was that nothing was “up-stream” enough for me. I alway ran the latest “unstable” repo’s with a constant need to be ahead of the game.
Building off of a background in C/C++ I began getting really into Bash. Bringing me to putting together my first PKGBUILD (pygments-hg). It was a messy process but, I kept working on them and sure enough began to understand how the Arch Linux Build System and makepkg put things in order. I've read through all the man pages and wiki articles that I could find and from there I began adopting ten packages at a time from the AUR and just cleaning them and putting their "ducks in a row" according to the packing standards. I now maintain forty-two PKGBUILDs in the AUR with a total of 525 votes. I am more than comfortable building them myself and also helping others build them as well. I use devtools for my builds and I have read and understood the packaging standards and TU guidelines. I am always open to any creative criticism / abuse that is handed out by the current Trusted Users. And I appreciate it.
For the past six months I've been working on getting more in-tune with the forums. I've recently started answering posts on the forums and working with people that request PKGBUILDs. My latest addition to the AUR evansi0n (used for jailbreaking iOS 6.x) was the last request I've answered from the forum. I also spend a majority of my time on the IRC channel helping with live support. I have also added as much as I felt fit to the wiki when I have the extra time. I feel like thestinger and company do a great job on maintaining it and whenever someone mentions something that is needed I try to lend a hand or at least give my input on the direction it's going.
I've also began developing my own application which is an Automotive Diagnostic Tool which uses OBD2 through USB to help bring bring the automotive industry into Linux. I'm extremely interested in helping work on anything related to WINE and porting applications over to Arch. I feel this will allow people to feel much more comfortable using Arch as their only OS and get them away from the Dual Booting scenarios. It's not that I see dual booting as a hassle, but, I strongly feel that anything that can be accomplished on a Mac / Windows based system should be able to be done in on a Linux platform.
Arch Linux and its community fascinates me and doing what I can to help the community grow and prosper is very important to me. That is why I'd like to be a Trusted User.
-- You can find a list of PKGBUILDs that I maintain here: - cinelli (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?SeB=m&K=Cinelli)
Packages that I would like to start maintaining immediatly [community] are: - gmerlin (https://www.archlinux.org/packages/community/x86_64/gmerlin/) - ifuse (https://www.archlinux.org/packages/community/x86_64/ifuse/) - libquicktime (https://www.archlinux.org/packages/community/x86_64/libquicktime/)
Also, I would be interested in taking the following from the AUR into [community]: - texmaker (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/texmaker/) - screenfetch (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/screenfetch/) - zukitwo-themes (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/zukitwo-themes/) - velox (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/velox/) - evasi0n (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/evasi0n/)
My public key can be found here: https://github.com/cinelli/dumptruck/blob/master/cinelli.asc?raw=true --
Thank you for your consideration.
-- Federico Cinelli <cinelli.federico@gmail.com> "Stay true."
I am proud to sponser cinelli, I think he would make a great addition as a TU. Let the discussion period begin. -- Daniel Wallace Archlinux Trusted User (gtmanfred) Georgia Institute of Technology