Am 30.10.18 um 21:48 schrieb Giancarlo Razzolini via aur-general:
Em outubro 30, 2018 16:07 Ralf Mardorf escreveu:
Apparently this TU has got special rights. That he could behave like this again and again does strengthen him to continue doing it.
This thread has lived much longer than it's purpose. Let's stop this right now.
I'm placing this list into emergency moderation if this continues.
I don't want to impute bad intentions to you, but this behavioural pattern might be a root of the problem. This isn't a technical discussion. It's about social interactions and emotions. You can't just weigh facts and find /the/ truth. It's widely believed that the best we have come up with, to reach consensus in large communities, is voting. An equivalent on a mailing list would be to show support through iterating a position in one's own words. What you have written above is like trying to cut off a protest march on the grounds that the first 20 protesters already made their point clear, so there would be no reason for the next 2000 to reiterate it again. This thread might make some people feel uncomfortable. But rightly so. This is not only about some TUs employing a harsh and repellent style of communication. This is also about the community of TUs letting this happen for years.
I'm confident all the parties understood what happened by now and how to avoid this in the future.
I don't. What makes you so confident? I do believe in man's ability to change. But this often needs a bit of pressure. (Don't forget that moderation means to arbitrate, not to censor.) Best regards