25 Mar
25 Mar
12:33 p.m.
Ondřej Kučera wrote:
So, what is the current status of perl-xml-libxml vs perl-libxml and perl-xml-libxml-common vs perl-libxml-common? I can see the correctly named versions with the correct PKGBUILDs for perl 5.10 through AUR but I cannot get them through pacman and even if I look directly to ftp.archlinux.org/community/os/x86_64 I only see the old ones. I have a couple of PKGBUILDs of my own in unsupported directly or indirectly depending on them and I wanted to update those but I can't really now.
They will be there soon... x86_64 has not receive all the perl updates yet. I am building some over the next few hours. Allan