On Dec 21, 2007 1:44 AM, Leslie P. Polzer <leslie.polzer@gmx.net> wrote:
In the past I had the impression that pragmatism was more important than the by-laws. But I suppose people have changed; after all some are starting to compare TU-ship with a professional job.
It was, and then too many people got lazy and it became a problem.
The bottom line for me is currently: if I'm left alone to contribute in the form I have done it over the past few months, I'd be very happy. If not, I'll -- granted, reluctantly -- take my hat and give up TU-ship.
Then it's a pity you have to leave because I never intended for this to be a way to remove as many Trusted Users as I could, it was supposed to be a wake-up call to pull everyone back into line. The removal of xterminus is because he *has* been gone, as in impossible to contact, for months now. -- Callan 'wizzomafizzo' Barrett