I attached the file I got from "makepkg --source" to my first message, but it seems that it had been dropped. Are attachments allowed? No attachments are removed. Paste the PKGBUILD and .install file to some
ma, 2012-04-30 kello 14:40 +0200, Bernhard D kirjoitti: pastebin service. (Don't use pastebin.com!) Also Please do not top post, write your answer under the original message.
I split packaging for modules and firmware and patched the sources to install the modules to /lib/modules/kernelversion/updates That is a wring directory. Out-of-tree modules go to /lib/modules/extramodules-$KERNEL_VERSION
Are the files under /lib/firmware/updates found and do they have precedence? I am not completely sure about this but, I am quite positive that it doesn't matter in what directory the file is, as long it is in the firmware directory. I myself would use /lib/firmware/tbs/ directory.
- Is "depmod -a" after install, upgrade and removal the right approach to rebuild the module dependencies? post_install() post_upgrade() and post_remove() are needed as far as I understand See the install file for vhba-module as reference https://projects.archlinux.org/svntogit/community.git/tree/trunk/vhba-module...