On 2019-03-06 1:59 AM, Doug Newgard via aur-general wrote:
On Tue, 5 Mar 2019 23:53:10 -0700 Brett Cornwall via aur-general <aur-general@archlinux.org> wrote:
Capitalize the T!
Can do!
You're using python-setuptools, so you'll want to set that in makedepends instead of python.
Also missing git as a makedepends. Might want to build in a clean chroot and see what else you're missing. python shouldn't be in the makedepends, as it should be in the global deps array, as stated below.
Based off a comment in a related thread, I may be opting to switching away from the VCS type to just an archive. If for some reason I still decide to stick with Git, I will make sure the dependency is there. I will try to perform additional checks to make sure I have the required dependencies listed.
package() { depends=('python')
The depends() should just go to the top alongside makedepends for this package. You probably saw this in the examples for the python packaging standards, but this is typically used for a 'split package', i.e. using one PKGBUILD to build versions for both python2 and python3. Since you're only building for python 3 depends() should go to the top.
Thanks. Based off some comments in a related thread, I may go back to my initial attempt in supporting split-packages (as the tool supports running on both Python major versions). I will try to make sure I cleanup the dependencies on next pass. Truthfully, I did not even notice it said "makedepends"; I just blindly assumed it was the way to list dependencies. Time to re-read some more documentation.
python setup.py install --root="$pkgdir" --optimize=1
Go ahead and add a --skip-build here since you already built earlier.
Odd, I swear I added that. Good catch.
install -dm 755 "$pkgdir/usr/share/bash-completion/completions" install -m644 scripts/releng-tool-completion "$pkgdir/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/releng-tool"
No need to create the directory beforehand; This can be shortened into:
install -Dm644 scripts/releng-tool-completion "$pkgdir/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/releng-tool"
I recall seeing another PKGBUILD definition splitting the install operations in two-parts (although I cannot seem to find it at this time). I assume it was to prevent the risk of a host adjusting their umask value and producing unexpected results (i.e. the way submitted ensures directories are built with "755" permissions and the install script is installed with "644" permissions. Although this scrutiny falls apart when the submitted PKGBUILD performs the license installation with a care to ensure an explicit permission set for any generated folders. I do not mind simplifying the change into a single line. I am just curious why this is not an issue (maybe I am overlooking something)? --- The comments are appreciated. On a thread note, I am curious to know why I only saw a single Email for this response, which clearly shows two individuals comments. My curiosity is only driven by my concern to ensure I am receiving Emails properly. If what I receive is an expected output from the mailing list, this comment can be disregarded.