Hi, In October 2011 I sent an email to register my interest in becoming a TU [1] (thinking that was the next step to get involved) and I received some helpful responses of how I can be more involved with Arch, without jumping in as a TU right away. Over the last 10 months my AUR packages have continued to grow as I found time to look after more. I currently maintain 58 packages [2]. I often get in contact with upstream to help with any queries or issues and feel that I do a good job staying on top of everything. I'm not on IRC much, but I keep a very close eye on mailing lists, the forum and what's going on in the AUR. Generally I stay quiet and get on with it and only make a noise if necessary or to help someone. I am hoping for some further guidance now, and hopefully for a TU to take me under their wing to get me closer to becoming a TU, as I would love to maintain some of my packages in [community] such as gsimplecal, partclone, obkey, scratch and some games, and also some packages I do not maintain like dvdbackup and clonezilla. I am a fast learner so should not be much of a burden. Many thanks, jsteel [1] http://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2011-October/016278.html [2] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?O=0&K=jsteel&do_Search=Go&detail=1&C=0&SeB=m&SB=n&SO=a&PP=100&outdated=