1 Oct
1 Oct
1:49 a.m.
On 30.09.2016 19:43, Yassine Imounachen via aur-general wrote:
Hello, What are good practices of re-submitting deleted AUR3 packages? Namely 'strongswan-git'.
Hello Yassine, For strongSwan, a git package (even though there existed one once) does not make sense, because the git master branch is relatively unstable. If you actually want an up to date strongSwan package that is usable, you need to curate the commits. Just follow the best practices that are outlined on the wiki[1]. [1] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_packaging_standards -- Mit freundlichen Grüßen/Kind Regards, Noel Kuntze GPG Key ID: 0x63EC6658 Fingerprint: 23CA BB60 2146 05E7 7278 6592 3839 298F 63EC 6658