26 Sep
26 Sep
4:24 p.m.
On Sat 26 Sep 2009 17:03 +0300, Biru Ionut wrote:
On 09/26/2009 01:48 PM, Panos Filip wrote:
Yeeeah, we have a new chromium PKGBUILD...
Each time somebody finds a way to improve the PKGBUILDs, instead of proposing the new PKGBUILD to another contributor, he uploads it on AUR...!
another one. http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=30463
do you understand what bdheeman want to do? he uploaded and then he orphaned the first package and now i don't understand the purpose of the second package. maybe i'm stupid and i don't understand anything regarding chromium*.
You can give him warning, then suspend his account if he persists. Hmm, it's too easy to make new accounts though.