On 9 July 2014 20:37, Bartłomiej Piotrowski <b@bpiotrowski.pl> wrote:
Yes, I have accepted the request, then realized it's completely untrue and asked the maintainer to re-adopt it. Additionally I'm the one who flagged the package because, obviously, there is a newer release, not because it's broken. Do you really see the point in fixing compilation using clang when literally nothing in PKGBUILD references it? I do not.
Please stop wasting time, either people's and yours.
-- Bartłomiej Piotrowski http://bpiotrowski.pl/
That makes less sense than falconandy's responses. Firstly, musl 1.0.3 was released June 6th [1]. The AUR package was updated to this version on June 7th [2] - there is not a newer release, and 1.0.3 is still the current stable version. So if you did flag as out of date, it's *you* wasting his time. As for your second point, that's as stupid as saying "literally nothing in the linux kernel references <brand new laptop> so there's no point in fixing drivers for it" [1] http://git.musl-libc.org/cgit/musl/commit/?h=rs-1.0&id=30bd499ae1f62e9d2fad4282d42057083709e0eb [2] http://pkgbuild.com/git/aur-mirror.git/commit/musl/PKGBUILD?id=5588dabbf0bc6...