On 06/12/14 17:25, John D Jones III wrote:
On 06/12/14 07:36, Justin Davis wrote: Well, the more I dig into it, it seems that it has to do with a number of modules that have AUR pkgbuilds that were moved into core_perl this release. Perl looks in vendor_perl for it's modules before core_perl and since the vendor_perl module's version is too low, that was the point of failure for a number of them. As for the test failures such as these:
t/00_modules.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 2 Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output
I have yet to find the source of those. I suspect one of the many modules I have installed ( probably even one of mine ) just needs a pkgrel bump to force a reinstall, which is why the wanton mass *SNIP*
I think I found the problem: I installed perl-test-output and poof, perl-moo started building. Another module perl-eval-closure was core dumping on the tests, an strace netted these three modules as the culprits: perl-padwalker perl-devel-caller perl-devel-lexalias I will update these, more failed modules: perl-variable-magic : prevented perl-moose from building when I updated to the current version on cpan, first commenting out make test to get it installed then reinstalling with make test, it simply segfaulted; after reinstalling perl-variable-magic all was well. perl-any-moose seems to be deprecated upstream for perl-moo tests fail with deprecated warnings. All packages that reply on perl-any-moose in the system, should be tested and reported upstream as necessary to get the migration done. So the listed modules seem to be fixing the problem, I'm mass reinstalling again and so far everything looks like it's succeeding, except the out of date packages, which I'll deal with when I get home from work in a cpl hours. -- Thanks, John D Jones III UNIX Zealot; Perl Lover unixgeek1972@gmail.com jnbek1972@gmail.com http://zoelife4u.org/