On Tue Jan 8 20:19:43 UTC 2019, David Runge wrote:
I'm sorry, my last application was bad a few days ago. Not so easy for reviews, if you're applying between Christmas and New Years (lots of people are not home and/or busy hanging out with people then).
I am a Web Developer. uav cloud management system dev in UAV company. (not DJI) Would you also be interested in improving the AUR, and website? Oh. yes
In 2017, I started Archlinux That's not true! :-P https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_Linux#History Sorry: In 2017, I started using archlinux
About my involvement in Arch Linux, I have 11 packages on AUR [1]. vrzvd 0.0.1 starting up...
* electron-netease-cloud-music * [x] electron-netease-cloud-music.sh: just call `/usr/bin/electron /usr/lib/electron-netease-cloud-music/electron-netease-cloud-music.asar` and remove the rest * [ ] electron-netease-cloud-music.png: remove and download from upstream if necessary * [x] pkgdesc: clinet should be client * [x] arch: not set! should be 'any' * [x] license: should be 'GPL3' (see `pacman -Ql licenses`) * [ ] depends: single quotes missing ??? What ?
* [ ] source_x86_64: should be source, don't upload binary data to the AUR, About source binary. Improve the build speed of AUR, Reduce makedependence The result of the build is the same
* [x] md5sums_x86_64: should be md5sums * [ ] prepare(): use gendesk to create the missing XDG desktop file instead of adding it to the repository * [ ] package(): cd to $srcdir is unnecessary, remove commented line installing svg, asar should be called in prepare() to extract LICENSE, LICENSE can be installed using 'install -t'
ruby-rails * ruby-actionable * ruby-activejob * ruby-activestorage Upstream https://github.com/rails/rails Need split package ?
I also maintains 52 packages in the unofficial [archlinuxcn] repo [2]. Unfortunately it's not easy to see which, only by contribution: https://github.com/archlinuxcn/repo/commit/e16a5eafc54f3b67c1805919a3b0af659... Do you have a list?
ruby-actioncable flite1 acme.sh-git ruby-actionmailer annie ruby-railties hmcl ruby-erubi ruby-nokogiri ruby-erubis ruby-rack-test ruby-activejob ruby-minitest ruby-i18n electron-netease-cloud-music ruby-rails ruby-builder i3lock-color ruby-rails-dom-testing ruby-coderay ruby-rails-html-sanitizer ruby-arel ruby-websocket-extensions ruby-activerecord ruby-tzinfo frps ruby-actionview ruby-crass ruby-actionpack ruby-loofah python-hsaudiotag3k caddy ruby-sprockets-rails qgroundcontrol ruby-activemodel ruby-thread_safe frpc ruby-websocket-driver ruby-activesupport ruby-bacon ruby-method_source ruby-activestorage apm_planner ruby-marcel mattermost-desktop polybar ruby-pry websocketd ruby-hoe ruby-globalid ruby-sprockets ruby-mimemagic
Many Web app rely on ruby-rails: mastodon, discourse, redmine, gitlab(But. gitlab need special version), so I think packaging ruby-rails will greatly benefit arch linux users to do development and deployment on their favorite distro more easily. How do you plan on packaging ruby-rails? Would some of the gems maintained by you be part of the package or separate gems? I don't know too much about ruby and gems, which is why I'm asking ;-) Separate gems, looks like debian ruby-rails
What do you use to keep up-to-date with upstream releases? Use lilac, nvchecker. Automatically detect updates every day