On October 18, 2017 2:40:55 PM GMT+02:00, Rashif Ray Rahman <schiv@archlinux.org> wrote:
I confirm my sponsorship. I have to be honest that I have not checked David's PKGBUILDs thoroughly, but he has been in contact with me with contributions.
At this point my feedback goes to the sponsor instead of the applicant: Sorry, but I must say that I really dislike sponsoring a TU applicant without looking at any PKGBUILD and give some advice. In my world this is part of the sponsorship and one of the jobs of a "TU mentor". I understand that you could certainly make some judgment based on the contributions you mentioned, but still. I hope this will not become a trend, otherwise we could also just get rid of the whole sponsorship (which we shouldn't). Cheers, Levente