2011/11/30 Moritz Wilhelmy <moritz@wzff.de>:
Hello Heiko, Hello list,
On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 14:00:44 +0100, Heiko Baums wrote:
And the comparison to the German wall is also improper.
It seems it was enough to get your attention. It had to be either a foul wall comparison or a foul Facebook comparison, although Facebook would probably have been less off than what I said, being cool and in the web and all.
Would you have replied without an insult or politically incorrectness, striking up the debate? I'm sorry for insulting you, but I think we should either drop this or take it off-list. Contrary to popular belief, I'm just someone who likes to speak openly, not a "rude person", but someone you can actually talk to. (See the bottom of http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=17039, and yes, I still believe the criticism was valid at that point, but I could have said it more politely. This is just another example of me being an asshole sometimes, but I don't usually mean it. "He who is without being the occasional asshole on the internet among you, let him to be the first to throw a stone at me. Ow. That hurts.")
Chances might be that someone hacks my "dead" account and uses it for posting malicious PKGBUILDs. After all, the AUR is written in PHP, no? PHP had some very serious and embarassing security issues in the not too distant past, and there is no guarantee that this will not happen again tomorrow or maybe next week. This would clear my conciousness that there's somewhere an account lurking in the dark. Someone might then mistake me for the account owner and blame me for the malicious doings of a third party.
I will - and that's One Hundred Percent certain - never use this account again. It was sometimes fun working with some of you, but I fundamentally disagree with Arch's interpretation of "lightweight" and the way releases are handled, but this has nothing to do in this thread and will supposedly be taken as a flamebait (because "KISS" and "rolling-release" seems to be the holy grail of using Arch and disagreeing is taken as a personal insult by many users). I do not want a flamewar, just to clarify my reasons, since some of you seem to wonder why I'd want to delete that account anyway.
If someone points me to the AUR code, I might make one very last contribution, namely implementing a way to purge an account, with some options like leaving forum posts intact. I also think, usernames should not be reused, in order to avoid confusion. Over all, the project sounds doable, however I have no idea yet how the AUR's database looks.
To Pierre, thanks for your statement. Thanks to all of you for your past few years of cooperation (more than two, but I didn't count how many exactly). I've learned much through arch, but now it's time to finally say goodbye. My last remaining Arch machine will go down on 2011-12-09.
Best regards,
At the very best, this is mailing list pollution with an overly dramatic tone. I can't be the only one disliking this type of thread on an otherwise on-topic list, so I kindly request this to be taken elsewhere. The AUR project code is available here: http://projects.archlinux.org/aur.git/ Good luck in future endavors.