OK, I'm not a TU (yet?)... but as the person that contacted you probably did so because of a post to this ML of mine from 5 days ago, I think I should link this [1] here. A few people replied, and md5deep was "decided" as the real name for the package. I have "strong feelings" that it should remain as-is, given that anybody searching for it will look for the name "md5deep" because that's what it is named everywhere else (i.e. all linux distros). Steven. [1] https://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2014-May/028617.html On 6 June 2014 15:29, David Kaylor <dpkaylor@gmail.com> wrote:
A user is requesting that the md5deep package name be changed to hashdeep, which I agree seems consistent with the project maintainer's wishes, since all development of md5deep has been moved to github under the hashdeep name. Do any Trusted Users have strong feelings about this or advice for me? And if I go ahead with the name change, what is the best procedure? I'm assuming I would need to do a replaces=(md5deep) and/or a provides=(md5deep) and then request that comments, etc. be moved over.