Hi, 2011/9/3 Ronald van Haren <pressh@gmail.com>:
In the meantime, what kind of packages are you interested in maintaining in [community]? Do you plan do adopt any orphans? Do you plan to move any new packages into [community]?
From [community] I would be interested in adopting the following orphans: netsurf hubbub fuseiso mtpaint
I've used all of these before, and I maintain netsurf-svn and hubbub-svn in AUR. mtpaint is a great little app if you have forgot the ImageMagick commandline parameters and don't want to wait for gimp to start up. Puppy Linux includes mtpaint by default. I don't have any specific plans for moving any packages, but I would strongly consider unetbootin [1] and shedskin [2]. I also wouldn't mind having robotindskitten [3] in [community]. unetbootin is a great tool for putting iso files on usb sticks/drives in a way that makes them bootable. (Arch is lucky to have such a clever iso, that works on CD and USB, for i686 and x86_64). shedskin is my most popular AUR package, for converting Python into C++. -- Best regards, Alexander Rødseth (xyproto on IRC, trontonic on AUR) [1] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=21989 [2] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=24600 [3] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=23580