Hi, I was trying to update my AUR packages with `aura` [1] † and get the following error: aura >>= Determining dependencies... aura >>= Dependency checking failed for these reasons: The dependency `\` could not be found. You may need to search for a package to satisfy it. This is due to the following lines in `octave-hg` [2] PKGBUILD: depends=('fftw>=3.2.2' 'curl' 'fltk' 'hdf5' 'glpk' 'arpack' 'gl2ps' \ 'qrupdate' 'qscintilla' 'qhull' 'graphicsmagick' 'java-environment') The problem doesn't seem to appear with `yaourt` [3] . So before filling a bug request to `aura`, I wanted to be sure that it is allowed/common to use `\` to split lines in the `depends` array? If it is not the case, I will post a comment on the `octave-hg` AUR page to ask to remove the backslash. † Also tested with `aura-git`, the problem still exists. [1] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/aura/ [2] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/octave-hg/ [3] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/yaourt/ Best regards, Fabien