Unsubscribe On Tue, Jun 22, 2021, 06:49 alad via aur-general < aur-general@lists.archlinux.org> wrote:
On 18/06/2021 19:59, Caleb Maclennan via aur-general wrote:
so let’s start the discussion period. This message is a short public service announcement reminding all current TUs that today is the halfway point of the discussion period on my application. I know packagers tend to be the easily distracted types
On 2021-06-11 03:16, Archange wrote: that wander off following the latest shinny thing wherever it leads — it takes one to know one. I also know the author of *the* most popular AUR package (not to mention co-author of the second most popular) just threw his hat in the ring too, but I don't want you to loose your chance to hold my toes over the fire.
Since I don't want to divert all attention to the audacity controversy, let me note my appreciation of your recent activity on various Arch community channels (e.g. IRC and mailing lists here). Whatever the outcome of this application, I hope you keep that activity.
Regarding your AUR packages, I guess we can't expect a full review of all 500. So let's talk about a few "random samples" and the packages you want to add to community.
* github-desktop
- That DLAGENTS logic looks strange. I guess makepkg doesn't support source links with both branch and tag? - Googling "Xvfb yarn" gave me this rather amusing issue: https://github.com/cypress-io/xvfb/issues/98
* moonscript
- I'd consider adding write_moon{,c} to the git repository, instead of putting long one-liners in the PKGBUILD. - You can use parameter substitution instead of sed. For example, ${pkgver/_/-}
* mattermost-git
- Looks like npm+go is double fun. Good thing for all the comments...
* asterisk
- Services should be managed by the user, not an .install script. - You'll need to assign a GUID for repo usage, cf. https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/DeveloperWiki:UID_/_GID_Database
* csvkit
- Two missing dependencies. That's a big no-no.
* epubcheck * font-manager
Looks fine
* gitlab-pages
- L33-36 looks pretty hard to audit. Does the -help output change often? If not, consider adding a file to the repository.
* lua-busted * lua-posix
I don't know anything about LUA. With daurnimator as your sponsor, it's probably fine.
* marktext
Nothing to add here except that it's another electron text editor.
* myrepos * praat
Looks fine
* programmers-dvorak
- Might be worth convincing upstream to have a workable install script.
* sile: upstream maintainer (+12 lua-* deps) * ttfautohint * vcsh * xiphos
Looks fine
* zerobane-studio
I can't seem to find this one in AUR?
* zettlr
- Seems very similar to marktext, why add both? - I'd include the auxiliary files (.desktop, mime) in the repository. - Vendored pandoc is sad
If my existing packages or former FOSS involvement doesn't give enough fodder for discussion, lets try some unpopular opinions:
* I think most non-library Rust projects would benefit from Autoconf tooling. Rust is a fantastic language but Cargo is terrible in the role of distribution tooling. * Projects that track auto-generated content (such as Autoconf generated bits) in their VCS should be taken out behind the woodshed and... * Non-tiling window managers are mostly just window *observers*, they clearly aren't *managing* them effectively if they just throw them all in a pile. * QWERTY is for mechanical typewriters or the birds, no middle ground. I use (programmer) Dvorak for English, F for Turkish, and MessagEase on mobile. I'm considering learning ARTSEY to facilitate computer use while holding small children.
I've considered switching to an AAAAAA layout. Seems perfect for Internet discussions.