This whole thing has got a bit out of hand... All I wanted to do was organize a meeting for TUs to discuss the results of the pkgstats script. And now I arrive back to ~70 email with back and forward about how things should be. I am actually quite disappointed with some of the responses there. I'll put this out there first before I carry on with this email. I am a dev. I am a TU. I do not care about titles and my only aim here is to serve the Arch community better. I am not taking a dev or TU point of view here at all. I may not have been around as long as others but I know the history of the community repo and the AUR voting system. That being said, the pkgstats results point to a problem in the [community] repo. I suggested we should discuss this on IRC at some stage. ~70 emails later, that option seems to have been forgotten. So here is the issue: * There is no point taking up server space and bandwidth with packages that nobody or very, very few people use. * pkgstats points to a few hundred packages that fall into the not very used category in both [extra] and [community]. The devs are discussing what to with packages in [extra]. Note that does not necessarily mean those packages are automatically dropped to the AUR as that make no sense for some packages. I.e. compromise is being made. Please read that again. Compromise... So we need to think about what the purpose of the [community] repo is. It is obviously to supplement [core] and [extra]. Packages in [core] are the base of a system, packages in [extra] define Arch as a distro and are widely used by its users, packages in [community] do what? So lets start there. What should the [community] repo be doing? What is its purpose? There is no point discussing anything else until that is well defined. All responses must start with "The [community] repo is ..." Allan