On 10/26/18 12:29 PM, Konstantin Gizdov wrote:
On 26/10/2018 15:27, Doug Newgard via aur-general wrote:
I must point out this very recent mailing list thread: https://lists.archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2018-September/034279.html
In this thread, you:
1) whine about someone taking over *your* packages, because you're the one that knows them and has cared for them and, after all, they're YOURS.
I did no such thing. I opened the thread by thanking Felix for picking them up and asked a few questions about the plans for the packages and how to pass on what I know, because I was having trouble doing that over the bug tracker. What ensued after (the responses) was not my doing. I tried to respond to every and all comments respectfully and I think you will find a through discussion was had and a lot of details were sorted.
s/respectfully/passive-aggressively/ By "details sorted" do you mean, we told you to stfu and stop snidely implying oppression?
Part of that was revealing that the ROOT stack was being picked up - yes, I care about it as it directly affects my profession and I've given thorough reasons why. I **never claimed the packages were mine** - if you talk about the usage of the word 'my', it clearly refers to me being the maintainer. I said I've put work into them, continue to do so and wanted to make sure I can pass that on in full. My TU application is me trying to do that.
Thereby implying you're unsure whether we're fit to maintain it, and you wish to pass your personal judgment, as though we needed your approval in order to function as a distribution. I assure you you're not the only person who has ever put work into an AUR package and then seen it be moved to community. Most of those people are cheerfully happy to see it moved, and their instinctive reaction is *not* "gosh, I wonder if they really know enough to package this according to my exacting standards".
2) whine about how things were handled on the bug tracker, thinking that this whining is how things get done. It's not.
Again, I did no such thing. I explained what happened and asked how can I do better. I was told I have to stick to the bug tracker. Thus, I said why I think this approach is failing in that particular case and gave exampes.
By the way, it was only because of that email that one of the bugs was reopened (by Eli) and fixed, otherwise it was ignored. Seems to me my email worked fine.
Thanks for lying about me. In case I had any doubt what to vote, I've definitely made up my mind now and I'm voting against you. Just in case I was not somehow clear in the past: YOU FILED A REQUEST TO HAVE THE BUG RE-OPENED. THAT REQUEST WAS EVALUATED ON ITS OWN MERIT. Spamming the mailing list with whiny complaints does not help. Scimmia and I get notifications about all re-open requests, and we have a special admin interface to view all such pending requests. These get evaluated on merit. We will get to them when we get to them. There is no conspiracy to ignore you until you complain on the mailing list like a whiny baby. I hereby swear to you, and will happily have it notarized if it makes you any happier, that I completely ignored your thread when reading your mailing list spam. I will acknowledge that due to noticing your mailing list spam, I took a look at your re-open request. A grand total of maybe two hours before I would have looked at it *ANYWAY*. I don't appreciate having to justify myself over inanities like this conversation, and respectfully ask you to cease and desist on your repeated lies about me.
3) Tell bald faced lies about how things transpired on the bug tracker. I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous. In the many emails I wrote that evening, I got confused about one bug being closed, where it wasn't. You tried to call me out for lying and my whole point being wrong, but later **you yourself sent a follow up email to correct your own statement**. I acknowledged my mistake on the spot. Surely, we can agree all of us make mistakes. **In no way or form was I telling bald faced lies.** You really think this makes you TU material? Really?
Yes, I think the way I have handled the situation makes me trustworthy. I care for the packages I maintain and the community enough to make sure the packages are left in excellent shape and hands so people can depend on them. I also have serious respect for the people here, community & TUs - as I've said before, ArchLinux has been good to me I want to good to it. This is why I made the fuss, because I care, but I also took everyone's perspective in and kept a working discussion.
I read this differently, you care so much that you don't trust anyone else to do it right. You're a control freak, and I don't want to have to deal with you on the team, no matter how capable you are as a programmer. Other TUs can make their own decisions of course. -- Eli Schwartz Bug Wrangler and Trusted User