On Sat, Jan 26, 2019 at 08:50:48PM -0500, Daniel M. Capella via aur-general wrote:
Quoting David Runge (2019-01-26 05:23:37)
On 2019-01-26 08:01:46 (+0100), Alad Wenter via aur-general wrote:
Not too long after I became TU I deleted something of ~2000 packages, based on similar "criteria" and after seeing no "objections" on IRC after a while. After the deed was done I got emails, angry shouting on IRC and complaints for the following 6 months on BBS and other places. "they took our packages" *rantyface* *screaming*
tl;dr use requests like everyone else, or patch aurweb to have "batch requests" Yes, please requests! This way stuff at least gets to the mailing list and is somewhat documented.
Thank you for your level-headed responses. More to add to my long list of aurweb patch ideas.
I wonder if Johannes' "Make delete and merge links create an auto-accepted request" patch[] being deployed would be sufficient. I readily accept requests for this criteria, but couldn't imagine manually accepting almost 500 of them with the current setup.
That's exactly the issue. It's not because you or I might accept these criteria (and corresponding requests) as valid, that everyone else does. e.g. https://lists.archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-requests/2017-November/020347.html As to the patch linked, I don't see how it's relevant to this discussion. The "paper trail" from such a mass deletion wouldn't include a reason for said deletion, nor a chance for people to oppose deletion of specific packages. Alad
-- Best, polyzen