On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 1:20 AM, Thiago Barroso Perrotta <thiagoperrotta95@gmail.com> wrote:
I just updated the pipe [1] PKGBUILD. There is also pipe2 [2], which is the same program, but outdated (last updated in 2012).
The best thing here would be to merge them into 'pipe2'.
[1]: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/pipe/ [2]: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/pipe2/
I don't know the project, but isn't pipe better name that pipe2? I skimmed over the web and they sometimes refer to it as PIPE, sometimes as PIPE2, the current version is PIPEv4.x.y and the documentation says PIPE 5. This suggests that the -2 actually refers to a(n old) version and in that case "pipe" would be more appropriate. Also, in that case I could merge pipe2 into pipe immediately. Lukas