On Sun, Oct 18, 2020 at 05:39:41PM +0200, Discussion about the Arch User Repository (AUR) wrote:
I'm Tim Meusel and I want to spent more time in the Arch Linux community and increase the package quality. I first got in touch with open source some years ago in the Puppet Community [0] where I started to love Puppet and FOSS. At the moment I'm employed at a big ISP where I maintain a few thousand systems. My solution of choice for configuration management is Puppet because it fulfills all requirements and is easy to extend. For a few projects I require up2date systems with modern software, that's why i choose Arch Linux. Since Puppet was already present in the company, the Arch Linux boxes were puppetized as well. I wrote or contributed to multiple packages related to Puppet on Arch Linux. foxxx0 and shibumi were so kind to continue maintaining them in the official repositories: [...]
Hi everybody, Thank you for the discussions in the last 14 days. The discussion period is officially over. Please cast your vote: https://aur.archlinux.org/tu/?id=124 best wishes and stay healthy chris / shibumi