          I have filed a Feature Request which can be found here :

            If you are interested in this please visit and vote for it -- i wouldn't even mind helping implement it -- i just think that it would be a valuable addition to the AUR community -- thanks for your consideration



On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 6:14 AM, Fabian Schölzel <> wrote:
I was just thinking about the very same thing. I was thinking of a
linkage with our forum to a section where automatically a thread is
created for a new package. Maybe there only has to be a link to the
forum or it is integrated in the page of the package. This would ease
the use of the comments for users, and they dont have to register
another account to ask questions about this PKGBUILD.

The info box where only the maintainer can edit text should be in the
page header, right next to the package info.
