*Sniff* lovely. Good luck, -AT 2009/5/30 Mikko Seppälä <t-r-a-y@mbnet.fi>:
Oh, the time has come for young one to enter the world and feel the first had experience of cruelty, blood and peasoup. To take on arms and abandon all hope on having personal feelings or time to infiltrate the community cvs. Nonexisting datalinks preventing duties to be performed. No keyboard to write on but the paper and wood. Last of the original comm64 porters dying. Time to leave the duties to be performed by wonder who? TIME TO RESIGN!
Or in short: I'm off to army in about a month, so I'm resigning unless you want to mark me as inactive for over a year :p wonder has agreed to take over lib32 so no pkgs to be adopted (unless someone wants bin32-wine from unsupported, trying to get maintainer for it). Objections? yes? no? Ok, thats it. Have a smooth ride.
- Neverth
PS. This is a resend, first one is stuck because I sent it from my email alias. I seriously thought about removing the first part but blah.