8 Jan
8 Jan
12:47 a.m.
On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 7:28 PM, Aaron Bull Schaefer <aaron@elasticdog.com>wrote:
After almost 4 years of being a TU, I've had less and less time to dedicate toward maintaining my packages, and so I think it's finally time for me to step down. Arch users definitely deserve a better response time than what I've been able to provide lately, and unfortunately, my priorities have shifted elsewhere.
Good luck and thanks for your dedication. You'll be missed! If no one objects I'll take duplicity, rdiff-backup, python-boto, pv, vim-pastie, vim-rails, vim-supertab, vim-surround, and vim-timestamp. -- Kiwis and Limes: http://kaitocracy.blogspot.com/