On Fri, 25 Jul 2014 11:43:51 +0200 Christian Hesse <list@eworm.de> wrote:
Hello everybody,
I would like to have something like an announcement input for AUR packages. Just like comments, but the announcement should be editable by the maintainer only and shown at the top all the time. This could be handy for something like:
Currently this application does not remember passwords. This is because gnome-keyring is broken. (https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/39913)
Preventing users from complaining over and over again when comments move down. Or:
This is a git package. Most of the time it compiles fine with $dependency. If it does not please try $dependency-git.
Any comments?
I'm not sure about the usefulness of this feature, or even if AUR packagers want it. However, if this goes on a day, my suggestion is this input should be an entry of .AURINFO. There is no need to clutter the web interface with editable fields. A typical packaging workflow would be: $ mkaurball $ <script/program to change announcement here> <path to src aurball here> "Developer announcement / sticky post here". This way, implementing this would be very easy, just a matter of parsing the correct entry and displaying it appropriately. -- - Thiago