On Sun, 2019-08-18 at 17:56 +0200, David Runge wrote:
I would definitely be willing to very politely ask the five respective companies for redistribution permissions for Arch Linux. In the case of reaper, I've already been in contact with Cockos to
On 2019-08-16 17:10:41 (-0400), Jean Lucas via aur-general wrote: try and move that to [community] and they didn't reply to multiple requests through several channels. On its own, I have not been able to make sense out of the OEM distribution license [1] for that matter either. "... but I'm not a lawyer (TM)."
Best, David
Yeah the legalese is a bit hard to interpret, its much better to get a clear answer from them directly, and have them explicitly add a redistribution-by-linux-distros-ok clause to the license, like Valve did with Steam. I suppose more people could contact them to see if they'll budge.