On Thu, Sep 05, 2019 at 05:23:20PM +0200, Jonas Witschel wrote:
Hi all,
my name is Jonas Witschel (online nick "diabonas" on the AUR/GitHub/GitLab/...) and I am applying as an Arch Linux Trusted User under the sponsorship of Bruno Pagani and Alad Wenter.
I hereby confirm my sponsorship of Jonas. Best of luck with your application! Alad
A few words about myself: I am a math PhD student and long-time Linux user. I switched to Arch Linux around 2016 because I like the idea of a rolling release distribution that stays close to upstream, which is especially beneficial when doing software development. I got more actively involved in contributing to Arch when the previous AUR maintainer of the tpm2-software stack (tpm2-tss, tpm2-abrmd and tpm2-tools) orphaned these packages, so I took over maintenance until they were adopted to [community].
I am interested in many security-related thing such as Secure Boot, Trusted Platform Modules (TPMs), disk encryption, PGP, ... As such, I am a member of the tpm2-software organisation and a maintainer of tpm2-totp [1]. Recently I have been working on getting Web Key Directory support into pacman for fetching PGP keys independently of the key server network [2,3]. A repository of all my AUR packages can be found on Gitlab [4].
If I were accepted as a trusted user, I would take over maintenance of the tpm2-software stack from my sponsor Bruno Pagani. This makes sense since I am an upstream member of tpm2-software anyway and had been maintaining these packages until they were adopted to [community]. Another long-time goal as a trusted user would be getting out of the box Secure Boot support for the Arch Linux installation images [5,6].
Packages I would like to adopt from the AUR to [community] for starters are:
- The rest of the tpm2-software stack: tpm2-tss-engine and tpm2-totp (when they have reached the 1% usage from pkgstats/10 votes on the AUR threshold), tpm2-pkcs11-git (as soon as it gets a release). - clevis and tang (and their dependencies jose, luksmeta) - sbupdate-git (I need to speak to upstream about making a release first) - paperkey - cryptomator - deheader - texworks - pdftk-java (an exact Java reimplementation of the very popular pdftk/pdftk-bin, which is hard to package since it relies on an outdated version of GCC)
I am looking forward to working with you and welcome any questions and comments!
Cheers, Jonas
[1] https://github.com/tpm2-software/tpm2-totp [2] https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/63171 [3] https://lists.archlinux.org/pipermail/pacman-dev/2019-July/023493.html [4] https://gitlab.com/diabonas/aur-packages [5] https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/53864 [6] https://lists.archlinux.org/pipermail/arch-releng/2019-January/003891.html