12 Nov
12 Nov
10:21 p.m.
"David C. Rankin" <drankinatty@gmail.com> writes:
2. should AUR host out-of-date but working packages ??
There is always a sliding-scale of "How out-of-date?". Is some user of the package just flagging it 10 minutes after the latest upstream change?
Is a dependency no longer supported by Arch (that's what AUR is for...)?
Some packages may not have been updated in quite a while, but may be 100% valid and still good.
This is hard to give advise on without knowing more about what you are considering "out-of-date"?
I want to add that sometimes the maintainer might be already working on an update but didn't release it. It's easier to branch of a package and test it until merging it to the AUR sometimes.