'Lo all. I'd like to request the merging of teamspeak3[1] and teamspeak[2]. teamspeak3 is by far the older of the two, and both of them seem to not have updated to (I'm using teamspeak3 which definitely hasn't.) teamspeak's PKGBUILD carries a lot of similarities with the one from teamspeak3. A few more than I would think is co-incidental. However, I do think the "teamspeak" namespace is more fitting, as it is the latest version of "TeamSpeak", and if people still need v3 when version 4 comes around, they can always fork it out and make a (new) teamspeak3. But I'm really pretty indifferent about this. Additionally, the maintainer of teamspeak3 appears to have gone AWOL. I've sent them an e-mail just today, so I'll wait another two weeks to request orphaning it, but as you can tell, there have been comments asking about it for some time. I'm not sure what the right path of action is in this situation, but I trust you all to do The Right Thing(tm). :) [1] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=33023 [2] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=61431 -- Namasté, Frederik "Freso" S. Olesen <http://freso.dk/>