About my packages: I maintain 10 packages in AUR[1], whereby I also participate in the development of the i3 window manager to whom's project family 6 of these packages belong(3 projects, each as stable and git package), the other four are the git package of the newsbeuter feedreader and the cococpp package which is a build dependency for the previously named, structorizer which is a Java program to design structograms (or Nassi- Schneiderman diagrams) and a mecurial package for objfw which is a portable framework for the Objective C language, not one of them was adopted. If you want to see their history, I also keep them in a git repository at github.com[2]. Hi Thorsten, you don't need to include LICENSE file for packages that use GPL or common licenses (e.g. cococp), and you can omit 'custom:' when a
On 21/11/2009, Thorsten Töpper <atsutane@freethoughts.de> wrote: package is licensed under BSD or MIT. Why do you use package() function when the package isn't a splitted package? Also, you don't need to put Contributor/Maintainer tag twice (e.g. objfw-hg) and you can omit empty arrays from PKGBUILD (e.g. newsbeuter-git). Ah, another little thing: don't include $pkgname in description (e.g. structorizer). Regards -- Andrea `bash` Scarpino Arch Linux Developer