Welcome to the new program transmit on-the-cable from aur-general mailing list! Today, I want to speak you about two Trusted Users: nesl247 and zeus. They disappear without a message! The last message from nesl was http://archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2007-October/006022.html. I can't find the last message from zeus... I do not have too much time :D On the package's view, nesl doesn't have out-of-dated packages ( 0 of 5 maintained in community ), which last updated is system-config-printer ( Last Updated: Sat, 15 Dec 2007 13:01:01 ). Zeus has 17 packages in community, which 4 out-of-dated. I don't see the last-updated time.. is it needed? We're look for them.. but if you have any notice, please call 12-3456789, send a fax to 98-7654321 or reply to this mail. Thanks in advance! -- JJDaNiMoTh - ArchLinux Trusted User