* Simon Legner <simon.legner@gmail.com> [22.03.2010 00:36]:
I just uploaded qtscrobbler-cli as qtscrob-cli. So the mentioned packages are free to be removed.
I didn't get a result when searching for qtscrobbler in AUR. So I built and submitted qtscrobbler as a new package. Just as explanation for the duplication ... Mentioning the term qtscrobbler in the pkgdesc-field would solve this "inconvenience" ... I'll leave a comment there.
I just discovered, the package "qtscrob" actually provides the cli version! Didn't see that! So you should put qtscrob into conflicts=(qtscrob). Just as an addition, you don't have to put all this unused variables into the PKGBUILD! As an example, here's my version of qtscrob-cli pkgname=qtscrob-cli _realname=qtscrob pkgver=0.10 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="A tool for submitting .scrobbler.log from portable players to Last.fm" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="http://${_realname}.sourceforge.net/" license=('GPL') depends=('curl' 'libmtp') source=(http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/${_realname}/${_realname}/${pkgver}/${_realname}-${pkgver}.tar.bz2) build() { cd ${srcdir}/${_realname}-${pkgver}/src/cli make || return 1 make prefix="" DESTDIR="${pkgdir}/usr" install } md5sums=('5d1e477dcf8f9fba89a77715c02b1403') You might want to shorten yours a little bit as well, improves its readability. Feel free to use mine as a sample.