6 Aug
6 Aug
1:35 a.m.
On Mon, Aug 06, 2012 at 03:22:41AM +0200, Jorge Barroso wrote:
Hello again XD I'm trying to upload the language pack for iceweasel, but when I try (https://aur.archlinux.org/pkgsubmit.php) I get an error which tells me It is only allowed to use small letters :S the pkbuild is the following:
It's taken from the parabolalinux official PKGBUILD ( https://projects.parabolagnulinux.org/abslibre.git/tree/libre/iceweasel-i18n )
Could you tell me why do I get this error?
The AUR does not accept split PKGBUILDs. There's no shortage of examples of how to work around this.