On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 10:28 PM, corvolino<corvolino@archlinux.com.br> wrote:
Hello everyone.
I'm interested in becoming a TU. Thotypous has agreed to be my sponsor.
My current goals are:
1 - Doing my best to help in improving the AUR. Maintain my packages in good condition and encourage people to keep packages in AUR;
2 - I want to improve my knowledge related to ArchLinux and to help colleagues using Arch;
3 - I'd like to participate actively in decisions regarding to Arch;
4 - Representing Arch and talking about its philosophy and tools in events about Free Software.
I currently maintain 21 packages in AUR (my user is corvolino). I'm already an Arch user for about 3 years. I use Linux since 2005. Since then, I have learned a lot with research, forums and friends.
I'm a member of Arch Linux Brazil since the end of last year, where I already help with packages, documentation and translation. I also helped with documentation and support in other distributions I've used.
For those who don't know me, I'm participatory and I'll always do what I can to help Arch Linux.
Thanks for all those helped me so far,
-- corvolino ~ Linux User #459152 Blog - http://corvolinopunk.wordpress.com Archlinux-br Developer Team
Nice, I'd to recommend corvolino, even if I am not a TU anymore, nathan please don't hijack the application of corvolino :) ping thotypous ? :P -- Angel Velásquez angvp @ irc.freenode.net Linux Counter: #359909