On 06/25/2010 07:11 PM, Ng Oon-Ee wrote:
On 06/26/10 at 08:42am, Ng Oon-Ee wrote:
On Fri, 2010-06-25 at 17:47 -0400, Andrew Antle wrote:
I've always been quite proud that the free / open source software world has projects like these:
http://women.debian.org/home/ http://community.kde.org/KDE_Women http://live.gnome.org/GnomeWomen
I know the comments were just supposed to be a bit of fun, but perhaps they highlight that something like wouldn't be a bad idea in Arch too.
Pete. Patches welcome :) , preferably from women actually involved in Arch, not pseudo-politically-correct males trying to make themselves feel better. +1000. I haven't actually seen any females on the forum/IRC/mailing list (though to be fair names from some cultures are androgynous to my eyes). Recently on this list someone posted up linuxTag photos, there were more signs of Microsoft than women in those pics.
I think this conversation has exhausted its lifetime though to be fair. And then some!!
Back to the TU application! Thank you!
Sorry about the "from" and dups on those. Trying some new setting in mutt apparently I failed.