On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 2:51 PM, Kaiting Chen <kaitocracy@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 4:18 PM, Thomas S Hatch <thatch45@gmail.com> wrote:
The next argument would be to incorporate a server side solution, that just traces how many times individual files are downloaded. The problem here is that it requires that we ask the mirrors to all run mirror side traces, and I highly doubt they would all go for it.
Use a single central server that proxies all requests to individual mirrors. Then you track at the site of the central server. --Kaiting.
-- Kiwis and Limes: http://kaitocracy.blogspot.com/
Ahh! That would work for tracking, I should have thought of that. but then the user can still directly attach to mirrors and the results are skewed again, and you know that they would, since the proxy is not always going to make the best choice for them, at least it sure doesn't work on Fedora! But when all is said and done I don't think that adding layers to the repo would be a good move, it creates an over complication to the pacman process, and for tracking. This is clearly a Heisenberg issue, adding complexity to track something has changed the basic nature of that which is being tracked. Mainly my comments were more along the line of exploring the issue, in the end I think that just writing up some guidelines for moving packages out of the binary repos would be a good idea, adding engineering to the problem on the level I have described would be non KISS IMHO. -Tom